
Journal of Research on Leadership Education Impact Factor - weinerbustoges

The peer-reviewed Journal of Educational Leadership, Policy and Practice (established 1986) presents the work of new and established scholars and practitioners. The journal aims to highlight new knowledge and important ideas both from New Zealand and internationally. In particular, JELPP welcomes studies that further international debates in the field of educational leadership.

The Journal of Educational Leadership, Policy and Practice publishes papers by researchers, practitioners and administrators in the field of educational leadership. Research papers should therefore focus on the policy and / or practice of educational leadership at international, national, regional or institutional level, in any sector of education. Leadership stories may also be submitted: these are less formal pieces, usually focussing on one aspect of leadership or a particular leadership scenario.  All work submitted should be the original work of the author(s).

Issues up to Vol 33(2) have been published in print, and distributed digitally by, where back issues can be obtained.
Issues from Vol 34 are published through We have moved to an open access digital platform in order to secure wider readership and authorship for our journal papers.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content under the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license users are free to share the work (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format), if the contribution is properly attributed and used for non-commercial purposes. The material published in the journal may not be altered or built upon.

New Zealand Educational Administration and Leadership Society (NZEALS) mission is to promote and support quality leadership for learning across all educational sectors. It welcomes members from the entire educational spectrum, from early childhood to tertiary level, as well as agencies such as the Education Review Office and the Ministry of Education.
NZEALS supports leadership and innovation in education. It has strong networks within and across sectors, sharing research and quality practice. It promotes leadership partnerships and supports new and aspiring leaders. Central to its work is the development and dissemination of knowledge surrounding sound leadership practice, founded on appropriate theory and research.


Michele Morrison - University of Waikato, New Zealand

Editorial Board

Professor Mike Bottery - University of Hull, UK
Professor Ann Briggs - Newcastle University, UK
Dr Marian Court - Massey University, New Zealand
Professor Neil Cranston - University of Tasmania, Australia
Professor Margaret Grogan - Claremont Graduate University, California, USA
Professor Helen Gunter - University of Manchester, UK
Professor Stephen L. Jacobson - University at Buffalo, State University of New York, USA
Dr Susan Lovett - University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Dr Ross Notman - University of Otago, New Zealand
Dr Paul Potaka - Nelson, New Zealand
Professor Cecelia Reynolds - Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Professor Martin Thrupp - University of Waikato, New Zealand
Dr Cathy Wylie - New Zealand Council for Educational Research, New Zealand
Dr Howard Youngs - Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand

Technical Editors

Ann R. J. Briggs - Emeritus Professor of Educational Leadership, Newcastle University, UK

Papers may be submitted to the Editor at any time of year.

Each manuscript is subject to initial review by the editor, to assess suitability for the Journal. Suitable papers are then reviewed by at least two referees through a process of double-blind review in which the identity of both the reviewer and author are always concealed from both parties. This process may result in the editor requesting a further draft of the paper from the author(s) which may be submitted to further formal review.

For more information please consult Information for Authors.

Papers are published under a Creative Commons licence CC-BY-NC-ND, which means that readers and authors may upload JELPP papers, with full attribution, to their professional websites. Authors are required to complete and sign an open access agreement before publication in JELPP.

To publish in Journal of Educational Leadership, Policy and Practice authors are not required to pay article processing charges (APC) nor submission fees.

Journal of Research on Leadership Education Impact Factor


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